If you don't find the answer to your question, please call our main office, (304) 647-5577.
When was Davis Stuart founded?
Davis Stuart was founded in 1919, originally as Davis-Stuart School, Inc, to serve as a home for orphaned and dependent children.
Is Davis Stuart still an orphanage?
No. While it is true that some of our residents have no families, or circumstances prevent them from returning to their homes, Davis Stuart is a residential treatment facility serving youth ages 12-18 that are in West Virginia State's custody to recover from abuse, neglect, or behavioral issues.
When was the Group Home Program initiated?
From 1970-1972, the first three group homes were initiated in the communities of Beckley, Bluefield, and Princeton, WV. The Alicia McCormick House in Maxwelton, WV was initiated in 2000.
Is Davis Stuart governed by the Presbyterian Church?
No. Davis Stuart is a private, non-profit agency governed by an independent Board of Directors. While we are not governed by the Presbyterian Church, we hold our Presbyterian heritage very close.
How many residents can Davis Stuart serve at any given time?
Davis Stuart is licensed for 44 residents at our Lewisburg campus and 6-8 residents at our three group homes for a total occupancy of 68 residents.
Why do youth come to Davis Stuart?
All too often, our residents have been victims of abuse and/or neglect. Others may be suffering from behavioral issues. Nonetheless, the youth has either been court order removed from the home, or parental rights have been voluntarily relinquished by the parent on a temporary basis in order for that child to receive care.
Does Davis Stuart accept private referrals and/or pay?
No. To be considered for placement, the resident must be in WV State's custody. If you are a parent or guardian who believes your child is in need of residential treatment, contact your local Department of Health and Human Resources to speak with a youth services worker for placement options.
How long do the residents stay at Davis Stuart?
A typical length of stay at our Lewisburg campus is 6-9 months with the primary goal being family reunification, when possible. The Group Homes tend to have a longer length of stay due to a large percentage of these teens not having viable discharge options. The primary goal is to assist the resident in achieving a level of education and skills sufficient for independent living.
Do you care for both girls and boys? Where do the residents live?
Davis Stuart's main campus is co-ed. We currently have five cottages where the residents live. Of these, three are for male residents and two are for female residents. This is subject to change at any time depending on the population in need of services.
Is Davis Stuart a juvenile delinquent or detention center?
NO! There is a definitive difference between a detention center and the healing services Davis Stuart provides. Our children are active in their communities and schools.
Do the residents have contact with their families while in treatment?
If the resident's goal is to be reunited with the family, the resident and family will have regular home visits and family therapy sessions. The family will be allowed contact, as is defined by the DHHR worker assigned to the case. This often includes phone calls, day visits, and mail. The family will also be notified of and encouraged to attend all treatment team meetings. When parental rights have been terminated by the court, residents are not permitted contact with their biological parent(s) for the safety and well-being of the child. Other family members, identified by the DHHR worker as an approved contact, will be permitted the types of contact specified with the resident.
How are the educational needs of the youth met while in placement?
There is a school at our main campus in Lewisburg! The WV Department of Education alternative learning center occupies Robinson and Childress cottages where they provide certified teaching staff and serve all residents admitted to the main campus. Each resident must complete Levels 1-4 of the on-grounds school before being evaluated for public school eligibility. Once deemed public school eligible, the resident is transferred to the appropriate grade level at either Eastern Greenbrier Middle School or Greenbrier East High School. Public school liaisons are in place to ensure that the resident has all of the tools to make their public school experience a success. All group home residents attend public school.
How are the spiritual needs of the residents met while in placement?
Davis Stuart offers a voluntary Chaplaincy program conducted on a weekly basis to provide for the residents' spiritual growth and nourishment. A typical service includes praise and worship songs, a scripture lesson and group discussion, a time for prayer requests, moment of reflection and prayer.
Special services and events are also planned for the residents, featuring guest speakers and musical performances. Bibles are distributed as a special gift to each new resident willing to accept God's word.
What services cannot be funding by state and federal dollars?
Spiritual Life Program
Equine Assisted Therapy Program
Employment Preparation Program
Equipment such as: basketballs, volleyballs, bicycles, helmets, etc.
Special activities: vacations, family fun nights, movie tickets, trips to the bowling alley, etc.
Cottage updates and beautification
Bricks and mortar projects.